2012-05-14: Added info on reused foliage asset from dream sequence. Added info on Shepard's gun changing when selecting Destroy. Added BecomeAReaper code. Added more info on 1M1. Added comparison image for Breath scene object.
2012-05-10: Updates on Plot ID's. More Dream Foliage evidence. Converted more video links to embedded video. Added ReaperIndoc files. Added video proving Control as only option after saving Collectors base. New tree reflection image.
2012-05-09: Added Dream Foliage! Added all 6 endings as embedded video.
2012-05-04: Added section about the tree reflections in the decision chamber. Started Twitter section.
2012-04-24: Added info on plot ID's. Added thoughts on the Prothean VI. Added note on TIM's Predator gun.
2012-04-23: Added more screenshots and analysis showing the dream dissolve in 2c. Added section 5 dealing with the problems with Indoctrination. Added link to Lit Professor's analysis.
2012-04-18: Corrected some information and errors.
Welcome to what I hope to be one of the definitive sources for information and analysis of the Mass Effect 3 ending and especially the "Indoctrination Theory". If you think this guide is missing any information or you see any incorrect information, please do not hesitate to let me know.
When I first played the ending of Mass Effect 3 I was convinced Bioware had pulled some amazing sneaky subtle trick on me, but I just wasn't sure what it was.
I knew as soon as I saw the Catalyst manifest as the child from Shepard's dreams that something was wrong, and after being told my choices I paused the game for 20 minutes to consider what that might be. Ultimately I decided that the Catalyst was lying to me and that his manifestation as someone only Sheppard knew about must have something to do with Indoctrination.
Based on this I chose Destroy.
When my final moment showed Sheppard alive and taking a breath I was convinced I had made the right choice. However make no mistake I was still utterly confused by the ending. I did not think it was all a dream from the beam onwards and I did believe the choice I made actually happened.
The next day I spent hours on the internet reading people's fantastic interpretations of the ending, and other very legitimate criticisms of those interpretations. I also read how many people were angry and unhappy with the ending when taking it literally.
When I found the so-called "Indoctrination Theory" I was utterly convinced it was Bioware's intent. The only other option seemed to be that after 100's of hours of brilliant writing and a history of great storytelling Bioware managed to screw up the ending so bad that it made very little sense.
That said there has been significant moments where arguments against IT have seemed very persuasive to me. And I certainly believe it is possible that the Indoctrination Theory is wrong, and at the very least probably only partially explains Bioware's intent; but I am also convinced the literal interpretation could not possibly be 100% true either.
Many fans have done an incredible job of putting foreword arguments and evidence on both sides of the debate. And others have asked for someone to compile as much of it as possible into a single location.
Having spent many many hours over the weeks since completing the game reading these argument, I have taken it upon myself to be that person. And while I still strongly lean towards the Indoctrination Theory I very much intend to show both sides as objectively as possible.
The evidence should speak for itself and I will try not to let my beliefs effect how I present the evidence.
After all like any theory, the only way to "prove" it is to fail to disprove it. Any good scientist works very hard to try and disprove a theory they believe to be true.
I will also not be presenting the so-called "Indoctrination Theory" as some complete theory that has to be taken as a whole. Because I simply do not believe that is the case. It is quite likely in my opinion that some parts of the so-called theory contain truth while others do not. So it should not be argued as a complete theory wherein if any part is proven false the rest should be discarded. Just as we should not discard the literal interpretation simply because we can prove that any element of it is inaccurate.
0. Background information
Let's make sure we are all on the same page here.
0a. The Indoctrination Theory
For anyone reading this that has yet to be exposed to any form of the "Indoctrination Theory", I think we should establish some important elements first. First of all I strongly recommend this video.
It's not the definitive interpretation but it is an excellent summation of the basic idea and one of the most import early sources for convincing people there is something to the theory.
Also if you are interested in seeing an extensive analysis like this guide but in video format. Allow me to recommend this - The Indoctrination Theory - A Documentary
0b. What is Indoctrination?
Let's consult the Codex -
Reaper "indoctrination" is an insidious means of corrupting organic minds, "reprogramming" the brain through physical and psychological conditioning using electromagnetic fields, infrasonic and ultrasonic noise, and other subliminal methods. The Reaper's resulting control over the limbic system leaves the victim highly susceptible to its suggestions.
Organics undergoing indoctrination may complain of headaches and buzzing or ringing in their ears. As time passes, they have feelings of "being watched" and hallucinations of "ghostly" presences. Ultimately, the Reaper gains the ability to use the victim's body to amplify its signals, manifesting as "alien" voices in the mind.
Indoctrination can create perfect deep cover agents. A Reaper's "suggestions" can manipulate victims into betraying friends, trusting enemies, or viewing the Reaper itself with superstitious awe. Should a Reaper subvert a well-placed political or military leader, the resulting chaos can bring down nations.
Long-term physical effects of the manipulation are unsustainable. Higher mental functioning decays, ultimately leaving the victim a gibbering animal. Rapid indoctrination is possible, but causes this decay in days or weeks. Slow, patient indoctrination allows the thrall to last for months or years.Source
1. The Evidence for Indoctrination
I would like to begin with the strongest evidence to support the idea that Shepard is being influenced by Indoctrination and move on to lesser convincing evidence that is still worthy of consideration.
If anyone believes there is any important information or ideas/theories I have missed please let me know and I will be sure to add them.
The Strongest In-game Evidence for Indoctrination
1a. The Boy as the Catalyst
Bioware put a lot of effort into making the presence of this boy in the game important. Shepard watching him through a window is one the opening scenes of the game. Then after his death during the Reaper invasion Shepard has very strange recurring dreams of this child (see 2c).
These dreams include "ghostly presences" made of "oily shadows" and voices can be heard whispering that at times sound rather alien. The codex mentions hallucinations of ghostly presences and alien voices as an effect of Indoctrination, the Rachni Queen mentions "oily shadows" as an effect.
All rather tenuous of course, however when reaching the Catalyst Shepard meets a ghostly VI-like being that claims to be the Catalyst and manifests as the boy from these dreams. A boy Shepard has never mentioned to anyone and should have no significance other than Shepard's guilt at not being able to save everyone.
I would argue that we can conclude one of a few possibilities from this:
- The Catalyst has access to Shepard's mind and chooses something familiar to Shepard to manifest as. In which case why does it choose to manifest as the boy Shepard feels guilt over? Is it to manipulate Shepard's choice? And is there any precedent for Reapers being able to read minds?
- That the meeting of the Catalyst is actually taking place in Shepards mind just like the dreams.
- Or the Catalyst is one of those hallucinations of ghostly presences the Codex mentions in regards to Indoctrination.
The Best Counter-Argument
We do not know the extent of the Catalysts abilities after all he does claim he controls the Reapers. He may simply be able to read minds and chooses to manifest as an image of someone the person feels sympathetic to. The fact this is not explained could just be poor writing.
1b. The Dream Like Quality's of the Decision Chamber
While there are a great many things that are strange between Shepard being hit by Harbingers laser and arrival at the Catalyst, it is the "decision chamber" itself that stands out as the most unusual to me.
As soon as Shepard passes out trying to reach the control panel when Admiral Hackett calls to say nothing is happening (even though the arms are not fully extended yet), Shepard is bathed in a white light and a platform floats up to the decision chamber. Which just so happens to be in the place where Shepard collapsed.
If you have a high EMS the Catalyst's first words to you are "Wake up", even though Shepard does not actually appear to be unconscious at that moment, just crouched on all fours in pain. If your EMS is low he says "Why are you here?".
Everything the Catalyst says is echoed at the same time with the voice of both female Shepard and Male Shepard, coming from the left and right speaker respectively. A clue that the Catalysts voice is in Shepard's mind?
Even Shepard's words are echoed with whispers of Shepard's own voice. It all sounds very strange and unreal and gives the entire event a feeling of unreality.
And for some reason Shepard for the first time ever does not question any of the information imparted. Shepard has no questions or doubts about anything the Catalyst says?
Add this all to the fact that the Catalyst appears as the child in Shepard's dreams and you are hard pressed not to conclude something is simply not right here. Effects of Indoctrination certainly seem plausible.
The Best Counter-Argument
At this point Shepard is severely injured. This could easily contribute to experiencing things in a weird way, Shepard is barely even concsious at this point.
1b2. The Tree Reflections in the Decision Chamber
Then there is the unusual case of trees being visible in the reflections of the decision chamber. Some people were claiming to see these and some resourceful fan ripped the cube map (image used to create the reflections) to check. Sure enough there they are -
And this is what they look like when seen in game -
So what does this mean? Well it can only mean one of two things as far as I can tell.
- At some point Bioware intended there to be trees in this section but removed them. However they forgot to remove them from the reflections.
- Bioware intentionally left the reflection of trees in this section to both reference Shepard's dreams and as a clue that this is a dream-like-state.
Interestingly this area is refereed to as the "Guardians garden" in the leaked script. Could it be these were originally going to be in this scene? Whether these trees were ever meant to be part of the scene or only a reflection, it does seem to be a pretty big intentional clue that this scene is directly related to Shepard's dreams.
When you have trees from Shepard's dreams and the boy from them, you have to think there is an intentional link.
The Best Counter-Argument
1c. The Choices

- Control - The Illusive Man's choice. A decision we know he was led to during his Indoctrination. We also know that a group of Prothean's also believed the Reapers could be controlled and they turned out to be indoctrinated too. Of course the Catalyst assures us that Shepard could actually control the Reapers for real this time.
- Synthesis - Sounds very close to Saren's choice. At the end of Mass Effect 1 Saren talks about how we can avoid being destroyed by the reapers by joining with them. To quote "organic and machine intertwined, a union of flesh and steel. The strength of both, the weaknesses of neither. I am a vision of the future, Shepard. The evolution of all organic life. This is our destiny". Almost exactly how the Catalyst tries to sell Synthesis to Shepard.
- Destroy. Shepard's choice. At least up until this point.
The argument that this is an attempt at Indoctrination and that Shepard's only resistance to the Indoctrination is to choose Destroy seems pretty strong.
Also the Catalyst does his best to paint the Destroy option in the worst light, not only will the cycle continue and we will be doomed to repeat our mistakes and be destroyed by Synthetic life in the long run. But it will kill all Synthetic life existing now, essentially committing genocide against the Geth and killing EDI too.
And not only that, he up's the ante even more by saying even Shepard is partially Synthetic. Strongly Implying that Shepard will die along with anyone else that has Synthetic implants they rely upon to live.
However we know for a fact that the Catalyst is lying here. Not only can Shepard survive with enough EMS but if she was one of your most used squad mates*, EDI can emerge from the Normandy.
* We do not know for sure but this is the favored theory as to what decides which squad mates step of the Normandy at the end.
The Best Counter-Argument
If Destroy is the "Best Ending" and the other two options are giving in to Indoctrination, why is it that Destroy is the only option you get with very low EMS? Even though Shepard cannot live with such low EMS (and Earth is destroyed) why is it you can not only still resist Indoctrination, but resisting is your ONLY choice?
Wouldn't it make more sense that Shepard would be unable to resist Indoctrination if that is what was going on?
Source - Worst Possible Ending
Or is it that with such low EMS even Destroy is giving in to Indoctrination simply because Shepard dies and Earth is destroyed (at least in Shepard's mind, giving way to despair?).
Could it be that the reason you have such low EMS is because you did not do most of the side missions, meaning you rushed through the game. Meaning the Reapers had less chance to Indoctrinate you?
Or maybe with such low EMS you are going to lose the battle against the Reapers anyway, so they don't really care if you are successfully Indoctrinated. They have already won.
And finally it turns out that having real low EMS does not always mean you can only choose destroy. If you chose to save the Collectors base at the end of Mass Effect 2 and imported that save then Control is your only option -
1d. The Breath
With a high enough EMS when choosing Destroy we are treated with a final cut-scene before the credits that shows Shepard "wake up" and take a deep breath. Revealing that Shepard is alive and has survived.
I have already mentioned the fact that this takes place only after choosing Destroy is a good argument for some element of Indoctrination. But there is another reason this scene adds considerable weight to the Indoctrination argument.
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Concrete Rubble in London where Shepard is hit by Harbinger's beam |
One version of The Indoctrination Theory argues that Shepard is actually waking up in London after surviving Harbingers laser and having dreamt/hallucinated everything else as part of a a heightened Indoctrination brought on by Harbingers presence.
This makes sense insofar as London is a place where concrete is not only common but concrete rubble and rebar looking almost exactly the same as that seen in their scene can been seen all over those final parts of the game.
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Concrete Rubble with rebar in London |
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More Concrete Rubble with rebar in London |
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Shepard surrounded by Concrete in the "breath" scene |
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How does Shepard survive this? |
Female Shepard Breath Scene
The Best Counter-Argument
It certainly could be that some parts of the Citadel ARE made of concrete and what appears to be rebar is actually the cables from the Citadel.
The cables in the Citadel and Decision Chamber look very much like what is being claimed to be "rebar".
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Cables in London? Or rebar? |
Also someone used a hack on the PC version to activate a flycam in the Decision Chamber that was able to identify not only similar cables but something that has grooves on it that bares a strong resemblance to the grooves on the concrete in that final scene.
See that video here.
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Cables in the Decision Chamber |
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Concrete like material with grooves |
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Similar groove seen in concrete in the "breath" scene |
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What is this? |
I myself have noticed it bares some similarity to the "Beam Structure" but have been unable to find an exact match. Someone over at BSN made this comparison image which also includes a good comparison of the other strange object to an overturned Macko.
Conclusive? Not at all, but the most compelling identification so far.
2. Other Compelling In-game Evidence That Support's Indoctrination
2a. Choosing Synthesis or Control turns Shepard into a Husk with Illusive Man eyes? (Rel. 1c)
Why is it when choosing either Synthesis or Control, Shepard is seemingly turned into a husk? This could be good evidence that these two option are in effect Indoctrination. Being turned into a husk is well established as a form of advanced Indoctrination. One in which all higher mental functions are lost.
And why does Shepard's eyes turn into ones that match those of the Illusive man?
It is revealed in the 4 part Mass Effect comic "Evolution" that during the First Contact War the Illusive Man was exposed to ancient Reaper artifact on Shanxi that caused this change in his eyes.
Others that were exposed to this activated Reaper relic were turned into a fully indoctrinated form much like a husk. The Illusive Man only came partially into contact with it while saving a friend and was able to escape with less severe changes. The main one being this change to his eyes, the other being an ability to read the glyphs written by the other husks-like creatures.
The Illusive Man says that the artifact is "a booby trap. It's creators planted it to alert them to the presence of advanced species - and to transform them into something they could control."
So it would seem that The Illusive Man's eyes were given to him by being exposed to Reaper tech that was used to Indoctrinate people.
This gives weight to the argument that what is happening to Shepard when choosing these options is indeed part of the Indoctrination process.
The Best Counter-Argument
Shepard's eyes can turn into something that looks a lot like that if going full Renegade, so it may not be a clue to anything other than Shepard having synthetic eyes.
And the Catalyst did say Shepard would die with those two options. It might appear that Shepard is being turned into a husk but is merely just dying in a way consistent with Reaper tech.
2b. Shepard, Anderson and the Illusive Man
I have mentioned how the scene where Shepard meets the Catalyst is the most dream like, but there is plenty of strangeness leading up to that part too.
First of all when Shepard wakes up from being hit by Harbinger's laser all your weapons are gone. However conveniently you find what appears to be Anderson's gun. So where is Anderson? How come he dropped his gun by Shepard but is nowhere to be seen, even though he is going to follow Shepard into the beam soon.
And Anderson is referred to in the subtitles as plain "Anderson" prior to being hit by the laser and "Admiral Anderson" afterwards.
UPDATE: Apparently this change between "Anderson" and "Admiral Anderson" happens several times in the game. So probably meaningless. So focus on the gun in these images.

But the gun change gets even stranger. "SS2Dante" posted in the comments here -
"I noticed when examining the game files that in the red ending files for both the carnifex AND predator are loaded, while in the green and blue only the carnifex is loaded. The carnifex is the gun Shepard used when shooting Mordin, so is presumably associated with negative outcomes/bad situations. Meanwhile the predator is the gun TIM takes from Anderson, and Shepards usual gun.
Anyway, if you choose Red ending, at the VERY last second, when the explosion occurs, you can see that Shep is no longer holding a carnifex but a predator. "
So if you choose the Destroy ending, it appears the gun changes from the Carnifex to the Predator!
I will use SS2Dante's own thoughts on what this possible intentional symbolism means.
I took screen shots myself to verify from a video of the ending someone else posted to youtube!
Here is another shot from another source -
And here is Shepard holding the "invisible gun". Note the trigger finger -
Then there is how strange the corridors are on this part of the Citadel and why they resemble the Shadow Brokers ship and the Collector's ship. Is this the art department being lazy and reusing assets? Or is it because Shepard is constructing these area's based on memories of other things? This would also go some way to explaining the "1M1" writing (see 3c) in an area that no organic has ever been, least of all one that can read human English!
Then there is all the strangeness with Anderson being nowhere to be seen after being hit by the laser, but he claims to follow you into the beam. Then comes out somewhere else, seems to see completely different things to Shepard and some how manages to reach the panel before Shepard. And Anderson appears to be unharmed in anyway, even though he has lost all his weapons?!
Then when Shepard and Anderson are confronted by the Illusive Man. The Illusive Man appears to control both Shepard and Anderson. Under the Illusive Man's control, Shepard is made to aim the gun at Anderson. During this oily shadows can be seen around the screens edge. The Rachni queen mentioned "songs the color of oily shadow" in reference to Indoctrination.
Also alien voices, whispers and Reaper sounds can be heard too, very much like those described in the Codex and in Shepard's dreams.
I think we can be certain that what the Illusive Man is doing to control Shepard and Anderson is related to Indoctrination. And while there is no precedent of anyone controlling another person in such a direct way as to make them aim a gun at someone against there will. The oily shadows and alien voices should be seen as proof that Shepard is the victim to a form of Indoctrination at this point.
When the Illusive Man makes Shepard aim the gun at Anderson, Anderson also raises his hand to mirror Shepard but has no weapon. Then the Illusive Man makes Shepard shoot Anderson in the left side of his stomach. The same place where Shepard has been clutching since waking up from being hit by Harbingers laser.
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Anderson clutching his wound |
This is especially weird because: -
a. The gun he takes is NOT Anderson's gun. Shepard appears to have that.
b. Anderson does not appear to have a gun anywhere upon him earlier in the scene.
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Anderson does not have a gun on his back |
Finally either Shepard shoots the Illusive Man or convinces him to shoot himself. Either before or after the Illusive Man shoots Anderson.
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Shepard walks over a fully flat platform |
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Mere seconds later the center circle has raised so they can rest against it! |
If there is no relevance to this then why show it? If it's just to show us how injured Shepard is, surely it's unnecessary. We have been controlling Shepard stumble about since the laser, we understand Shepard has seen better days!
The Best Counter-Argument
Again the best counter arguments to most of this is bad writing. Shepard was previously holding that same area to Anderson being shot so maybe the fact the wound is the same place is a coincidence?
The magically appearing gun again could be poor writing or the art department forgetting to give Anderson a gun before that point. And it's not the first time a gun has appeared from nowhere in Mass Effect.
2c. The Dreams: Ghostly Presences, Oily Shadows and Alien Voices (Ref 1a)
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Ghostly presences made from oily shadows |
First Dream Sequence: Shepard chases the boy, who is laughing through a foggy woods. Once Shepard catches up to the Boy a Reaper is heard and they are both bathed in red light. The boy runs away and the Reaper light and noise is gone. When Shepard catches up with the boy the second time he looks at Shepard with a sad face and is engulfed in flames.
Second Dream Sequence: Shepard approaches a bench where the boy is sat that is surrounded by ghostly presences that are made of oily shadows! Shepard also hears whispers presumably from the oily shadows, some of them call Shepard's name. When Shepard reaches the bench the boy is lit by a Reapers red light and the Reaper horn is heard, the boy runs. Wrex can be heard saying Shepard's name (not sure if this only happens if Wrex is dead for you). Shepard reaches the big again, cue the Reaper light and horn, the boy flees again. The whispers increase. Once Shepard reaches the boy he is again engulfed in flames.
Third Dream Sequence: More ghostly oily shadows and whispers calling Shepard's name. Now the child runs from Shepard right away, and there is no more laughing from him. Wrex and Mordin can be heard calling for Shepard (again not sure if this only happens if they are dead). Shepard reaches a clearing and looks on, seeing the boy run into the arms of another version of Shepard, this version of Shepard looks up and smiles back at Shepard and so does the boy. They are both engulfed in flames.
The ghost like presences, oily shadows and alien voices are all consistent with Indoctrinaton.
Many people have spent time trying to figure out some of what the whispers in the dream say. And while none of these are "confirmed" because they are very hard to hear for sure. Here are some lines that people claim to be able to hear -
"don't trust him"
"Get back commander"
"Someone outside is coming"
"Stay away from him, trust yourself"
The ghost like presences, oily shadows and alien voices are all consistent with Indoctrinaton.
Many people have spent time trying to figure out some of what the whispers in the dream say. And while none of these are "confirmed" because they are very hard to hear for sure. Here are some lines that people claim to be able to hear -
"don't trust him"
"Get back commander"
"Someone outside is coming"
"Stay away from him, trust yourself"
But most telling of all, when Shepard wakes up from any of the dream sequences the screen is bathed in a white light as a transition showing the movement from dream to reality. Here is a screenshot -
And here is when Shepard is shot by Harbingers laser -
And here is what we see when being lifted up on the platform in the Citadel to meet the Catalyst -
And here is what we see when being lifted up on the platform in the Citadel to meet the Catalyst -
It's also the same dissolve when Shepard exits the Geth Consensus and when entering the beam. Here are some comparison frames showing this.
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Dream |
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Geth Consensus |
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Getting hit by Harbinger's Laser / Entering the Beam / Rising platform to the Catalyst |
I think this alone is VERY strong evidence that Shepard is dreaming at this point.
The Best Counter-Argument
Of course the whispers are mere guess work, they are very hard to hear.
2c. The Plot Holes, strangeness and Illogical Story Elements
There seems to be a rather massive amount of elements in the final 20 minutes or so of Mass Effect 3 that just don't make a lot of sense. The fact that many of these problems go away if you view them through the lens of the Indoctrination Theory seems to add more credence to it being true. It could be that many of these are explainable, or that the Extended Cut will fill in the gaps that make them make sense. But it could also be that they are all small clues to a bigger picture.
Here is a list of things that seem to be explainable if Shepard is in large part hallucinating/dreaming everything after being hit with the beam. But taken literally seem to not make much sense at all.
- Why is it that after being hit by Harbinger's laser Shepard wakes up CLOSER to the beam than when hit? Surely it would have knocked Shepard backwards not closer!
- Why is it that after waking up and beginning to stumble towards the beam Shepard hear's this -
Marine: Did we get anyone to the beam?Is Major Coats simply unable to see Shepard and Anderson still stumbling towards the beam?
Major Coats: Negative. Our entire force was decimated.
Major Coats: It’s too much. We need to regroup. Fall back to the buildings…
Marine: Hammer's wiped out. All forces, retreat.
Marine: Pull back! Pull back!
And based on the final cut scene with the Normandy the two other squad mates that came with Shepard were also alive!
How the HELL did our squad mates survive Harbinger's laser and get back on the Normandy seemingly unwounded in any way? I'll come back to this in a moment.
- How is that when Shepard looks around when stumbling toward the beam there is no sign of Anderson who claims to "follow" you into the beam?
- What is with these strange bodies by the Mako before the beam -
They were not there before Shepard got hit with the laser. And they seem to bare a strong resemblance to Ashley and Kaiden in Mass Effect 1. Except they are bald, making them look more like dolls.
Are they supposed to be a manifestation of Shepard's guilt at not being able to save everyone? Since one of these two dies in ME1 and the other was seriously injured at the start of 3. Or are they simply meant to show that a lot of people have died trying to get to the beam? Or have been collected by the Reapers and placed by the Beam? If so why is there thousands of them and they all look the same? And why do they look so crap? Did the art departed really become that lazy at this point and just mapped a crap texture of two dead humans onto some low polygon piles to show all this sea of corpses? Why? What is so important about them to even bother? If you were not going to make them look good why not just leave this area how it was BEFORE Shepard is hit by the laser?
- Why does Shepard lose all weapons? Why does Shepard find what appears to Anderson's gun on the floor after waking up? Where is Anderson at this point? Since Anderson does not appear to have a weapon when you reach the control panel it certainly seems he dropped his somehow besides Shepard while also not being anywhere in sight and then "following" Shepard into the beam?
- Why is it this new gun Shepard picks up does not need to be reloaded and never runs out of ammo?
- Why is Anderson referred to as "Anderson" in the subtitles before being hit by the laser and "Admiral Anderson" afterwards?
- Is there any significance to the trees around the beam area? They seem very unusual after Shepard is hit by the beam.
- Why is it that this new section of the Citadel bares many architectural similarities to the Normandy, The Shadow Brokers ship and the Collectors Base?
- Why is the corridor leading to the control panel full of dead bodies? Also note they do not resemble those by the Mako except they are also bald and doll-like. They are however fully rendered models not a terrible 2D texture. Were they all brought there after being killed? Why? If they have a purpose then why are they so strangely scattered?
- Why are there Keepers in the corridor working on "invisible" control panels?
- Why does Anderson come out of the beam at a different place to Shepard?
- Why does Anderson reach the control panel before Shepard after entering the beam afterwards?
- Why does Anderson mention moving walls that Shepard never sees?
- How is it that the beam takes Shepard and Anderson to a place where they only need to walk through a few corridors and they are exactly where they needed to be? At a control panel that opens the arms. If the beam was being used by The Reapers to transport humans to the Citadel for the supposed purpose of making another Human Reaper, where are the Reaper forces working to do that? Why do the Reapers have the transport beam open at all if no Reaper forces are using it? When Shepard and Anderson get there all they find is dead bodied, Keepers that appear to be doing nothing and a path leading directly to the control panel to open the Citadel arms thus leading to the failure of the Reapers plans! None of this makes any sense
- Where does the Illusive Man come from? How did he get there? Also we are told that the Reapers moved the Citadel to Earth because the Illusive Man who is Indoctrinated told them it is the Catalyst. Why then does he still believe he is working against the Reapers until Shepard is able to convince him otherwise? When Saren was Indoctrinated the Reapers had promised he and others would be spared by Synthesis but it seems unlikely that the Illusive Man would have believed the Reapers would just let him control them.
- Why can the Illusive Man (who has at this point clearly very Indoctrinated), control Shepard and Anderson's movement? There is no precedent in the games before this that anyone could have this ability.
- Where does the Illusive Man magic a gun up from? He appears to take it from Anderson but Anderson did not have a gun at this point.
- Why is it that if Shepard is successful in convincing the Illusive Man to resist his own Indoctrination, Shepard only needs 4000 EMS (rather than 5000) to "wake up" alive after choosing Destroy? You may argue that without the Illusive Man Cerberus are less effective which helps Shepard's Effective Military Strength. But if that was the case then why is it not given as an additional 1000 EMS to contribute to saving Earth too? Rather it is given as needing less EMS to "wake up". Note: It has been claimed is is actually if you prevent TIM from killing Anderson that you only need 4000 EMS to wake up. If Anderson represents Shepard's will to fight Indoctrination this adds more weight.
- Why does Hackett contact Shepard out of the blue, with no prior contact since Major Coats claimed everyone was dead and know Shepard is alive and was the one that opened the Citadel arms? Why did Hackett not try and contact Shepard before this point? Not even to say "Shepard!? Are you there? Was it you that opened the Citadel's arms?"?
- Why was Joker running from the flight? Is it that after Major Coats reports that everyone is dead, he swings by to pick up the squad mates (who inexplicable are on the Normandy at the end), although nobody bothers to look for Shepard and as soon as Shepard activates the Crucible he see's the resulting wave and is quick enough to almost outrun it?
Even if we conclude that while Shepard was unconscious on the ground the squad mates were picked up, we have to ask why they left Shepard. If we conclude that our Squad mates retreated (very out of character), why did they do so while so unharmed? Maybe they were picked up while Shepard was passed out again on the Citadel (Shepard may have been unconscious for an unknown amount of time after dealing with the Illusive Man and speaking to Anderson)? But why would they not continue the assault on the beam? Even if they thought Shepard was dead, anyone should be able to complete the mission. Why give up? Especially when Harbinger retreats!
- And by some miracle the Normandy crash lands on some utopian looking planet with a perfect atmosphere for life? How many are those in the galaxy anyway? What are the odds?
- The idea that organics being protected from being wiped out by synthetics by being periodically wiped out by some synthetics makes very little sense. And is very unconvincing as the Reapers overall motive. It's at best deeply flawed circular logic. The Catalyst would have us believe that Synthetics are destined to wipe out their creators, and finally all organic life. But not only does this contradict the lessons we learned from the Geth/Quarian conflict but there is no basis of evidence to support the notion that Synthetics are destined to want to wipe out all organic life at all.
Let's consider this. If all Synthetic life had to have been created by organic life by it's very definition. And the Reapers are Synthetic, then why did the Reapers not wipe out all organic life? The Catalyst offers us nothing more than contradictory circular logic.
In order for it to be true and explainable it would require massive presumptions that are not offered or hinted at in the game. At the very least this would be appalling storytelling. Something Bioware do not have a history of.
- Why is the Catalyst's "solution" proven not viable anymore simply because an organic made it to the control panel on the Citadel? Or is it simply because we were able to complete the Crucible? What does either of those have to do with the claimed inevitable synthetic genocide against organics?
- If the Reapers created the Citadel why did they bother to even create the Decision Chamber along with appropriate places for someone to "Control" or "Destroy" them? Did they foresee organic life building the Crucible and eventually making it there and wanted to provide them the options?
- Why is it that despite the claim that the Destroy option will kill all synthetic life along with Shepard because of being "partially synthetic", both Shepard and EDI can be seen alive afterwards?
Here is another excellent document breaking down how the ending makes no sense in a logical interpretation.
The Best Counter-Argument
Unfortunately while I could list possible explanations for all these inconsistencies they all still add up to the point that they are ridiculous and require far too much suspension of disbelief to accept the explanations.
The most common and seemingly strongest overall argument against any of these things supporting an Indoctrination Theory is simply that Bioware wrote a terrible ending that doesn't make sense. There is no hidden meaning, it's simply crap writing.
3. Clutching at Straws
Ok so we have seen some rather compelling evidence to support the notion that Bioware fully intended an element of Indoctrination to be a viable interpretation of the ending.
If this is true we would expect to see lot's of other subtle clues throughout the game. After all we are led to believe that the ending was mapped out really early in the development cycle.
As it happens, fans have pointed out a lot of very interesting things that certainly could be clues of Indoctrination. However taken alone these things are not very convincing and IT-debunkers like to focus on these things as proof that IT-believers are "clutching at straws".
So let's be clear here. These things are being pointed out so that taken as a whole they can be seen as really cool possible clues that add weight to the possibility. They are not being presented as single pieces of evidence that offer any form of singular proof.
3a. The Similarities With the London Street and The Decision Chamber
As the theory goes, Shepard is in fact still unconscious (or-semi-conscious) on the street of london at the approach to the beam. So it's very interesting to note that there are some striking similarities between elements of the approach to the beam and the decision chamber, as seen below. Mere coincidence? It certainly could be.
3b. The Boy Next to Warning Signs

It's also worth noting that the Warning sign in the duct seems to be unique. Not only is it an unusual symbol to warn against an electrified duct (a lightning bolt to the brain?) but if it appears nowhere else in the game, does it not seem likely that Bioware very intentionally placed it here with some purpose?
3c. The Locked Door and the Boy
Upon approaching the room where Shepard see's the boy in the duct, you can actually see the boy on a balcony outside the room. He appears to see the Husks coming and runs into the room behind him. However the door is clearly locked and does not unlock to allow him to enter. It simply opens for him while remaining locked. Simply a bug or a clue?
3d. The 1M1 signs in the Citadel
Here is one that I have now discounted.On the ramp to the panel in the Citadel and in the entry to the decision chamber there are several places where a sign that reads "1M1" can be seen. And the sign is mirrored on the opposite side as seen above.
Two interesting things about this.
- First of all why is there writing on a part of the Citadel that was built by the Reapers and no other organic has ever been!?
- And why is it written in Human English!?
At first I could only think of two explanations for this.
- Bioware intentionally placed it there as a clue to something.
- Bioware are lazy and used an art asset on the Citadel that was supposed to be for Human structures.
1M1 is actually a formula for dioptry, or inverse focal length (convergence)
Convergence has 3 definitions...
1: The act of moving toward union or uniformity.
2: A meeting place.
3: The intersection of three electron beams for red, green and blue onto a single pixel in a CRT.
Or could it be that like the similarities between this part of the Citadel the Shadow Brokers ship and the Collectors ship, this is a clue that Shepard is constructing these places from memories of others places?
However since this same graphic can clearly been seen in places when climbing the Citadel tower in Mass Effect 1 -
![]() |
Mass Effect 1, climbing the Citadel tower with Sovereign in the background |
There is clearly a third option why this could be there.
- Because it is already an established visual from the Citadel tower in the first game and Bioware were maintaining visual continuity despite the fact that it lacks logic.
So I think we can discount the dioptry formula connection as coincidence. There is no way that was planned from the first game.
And while it remains a mystery why human English is used on a structure that was supposedly built by the Reapers, it does seem that it's inclusion in the ending is meaningless.
3e. The Trees Around the Beam
A lot has been made of the trees scattered around the beam after being hit by Harbingers laser and if they relate to the trees in Shepard's dreams. And while this was once offered as one of the main pieces of evidence for Indoctrination I originally chose not to include it simply because it has been shown that there are many trees around that area even before Shepard is hit with Harbinger's laser.
However prettz over at the Bioware Social Network Forums took these screenshots which I think serve to reignite this point as legitimate evidence.
![]() |
Before Shepard is hit |
![]() |
After Shepard "waked up" from being hit by Harbinger's laser |
![]() |
Before |
![]() |
After |
You don't even need to do that to add those weird piles of bodies mentioned in 2c. So what possible reason could Bioware have for adding trees into this area at this point if not to make everything strange and dream-like and as a call back to the trees in Shepard's earlier dreams?
3f. Feelings of Being Watched and the Hum
The Codex entry on Indoctrination mentions "feelings of being watched" and "buzzing or ringing" in a persons ears.
So it is interesting that in the game James mentions a strange hum. I can't recall if it was more than this one time but it's a strange comment, possibly a clue?
There also seems to multiple times in game where characters make reference to being watched. James on the fuel station mission says "Yeah, I feel like we're being watched.". Tali on the Rachni mission can say "It feels like we're being watched. Let's find the nest and get out of here.".
These could easily be coincidences and it's worthy of note that if Shepard were the one being Indoctrinated, then it should be Shepard that mentioning the feelings of being watched and the hum.
3g. Interesting Comments Made in Game that refer to Indoctrination
After Ashley's encounter with Udina, and you meet her before returning to the Normandy, this dialogue takes place:
Ashley: "I can't believe he was responsible for all of it. Was he indoctrinated?"
Shepard: "It's hard to say."
Ashely: "How do we fight something that can worm it's way into your head?"
Shepard: "I don't know. But we don't have a choice."
Ashely: "No we don't."
On Thessia, when you are trying to recover the Prothean VI:
Liara: "This nightmare never ends!"
Shepard: "The hell it won't! We get to this artifact, and we can all wake up."
If you bring Garrus: "Drinks will be on me."
4. Evidence From Outside the Game
4a. Things found from extracting game files and code
Dream Foliage!
At the end of the game when we see the Normandy crash land on the utopian looking Earth like planet, the Indoctrination theory would have it that that scene is a dream. It simply does not make sense that the crew would be aboard the Normandy or that Joker would run from the fight, or that it would manage to crash on a perfectly inhabitable planet by some miracle.
Could this be Shepard dreaming about a desired outcome? Well digging into the texture files in the PC version some fans stumbled upon this seemingly damming piece of evidence.
This is the textures files from those scenes. We know this not only because we can clearly see they are but they come from the package "BioA_End003_Planet".
However this same texture IS used in the actual dream sequence -
Note the package this is from is "BioAp1_Lv1_Dream". So evidence completely discredited? Well not entirely, there certainly could be some significance to the fact that the same plants are seen in Shepard's dream and the Normandy scene that might be a dream/hallucination.
However it is just as likely that these texture assets were created for the actual dream sequence and then reused for the Normandy scene.
End Choice Bad
Another interesting discover is that the model for the Control endings pillars is named "End_Choice_BadA_01". So presumably the artists that created these was at least of the opinion that the control ending was bad.
Reaper Indoc Effects
Here is another interesting find. BSN forum user Giskler found this in the files related to the Illusive Man showdown.
You might need to click to enlarge to read this but what we believe it is, is the files related to the effects seen on screen (the blur and oily shadows) when the Illusive Man is seeming to control Shepard and Anderson. The files names seem to suggest someone else is behind this control -
That's right they are Reaper Indoc effects.
Plot ID's in Save Game Data
4a. Things found from extracting game files and code
Dream Foliage!
At the end of the game when we see the Normandy crash land on the utopian looking Earth like planet, the Indoctrination theory would have it that that scene is a dream. It simply does not make sense that the crew would be aboard the Normandy or that Joker would run from the fight, or that it would manage to crash on a perfectly inhabitable planet by some miracle.
Could this be Shepard dreaming about a desired outcome? Well digging into the texture files in the PC version some fans stumbled upon this seemingly damming piece of evidence.
This is the textures files from those scenes. We know this not only because we can clearly see they are but they come from the package "BioA_End003_Planet".
However this same texture IS used in the actual dream sequence -
Note the package this is from is "BioAp1_Lv1_Dream". So evidence completely discredited? Well not entirely, there certainly could be some significance to the fact that the same plants are seen in Shepard's dream and the Normandy scene that might be a dream/hallucination.
However it is just as likely that these texture assets were created for the actual dream sequence and then reused for the Normandy scene.
End Choice Bad
Another interesting discover is that the model for the Control endings pillars is named "End_Choice_BadA_01". So presumably the artists that created these was at least of the opinion that the control ending was bad.
Reaper Indoc Effects
Here is another interesting find. BSN forum user Giskler found this in the files related to the Illusive Man showdown.
You might need to click to enlarge to read this but what we believe it is, is the files related to the effects seen on screen (the blur and oily shadows) when the Illusive Man is seeming to control Shepard and Anderson. The files names seem to suggest someone else is behind this control -
That's right they are Reaper Indoc effects.
Plot ID's in Save Game Data
I was looking through some save game editing plot flags and noticed that the line for End001 (Destroy) is different than End002 and End003. Destroy Sets 3 PlotIDs for the future.Not only do Synth and Control not set 3Ids. They do not even set 1.
I don't understand exactly how the game engine uses these PlotIDs, but from a layman’s point of view it looks like it's either;
Pick destroy, and have a future, or Synth/Control and not have a future.
Bioware does not even bother to track which one you picked if it wasn't destroy.
As far as they are concerned synthesis & control are the same thing. = Indoctrinated.
UPDATE: It seems that "End001", "End002" and "End003" actually refer to the section of the ending, rather than each ending choice. So this could also have no meaning I have yet to confirm but will update if this because proven.
Become a Reaper
If there was any doubt that Control is a bad ending, this snippet of code describing the different endings should clear it up. According to these lines of code, choosing Control means you are choosing to "Become a Reaper"!
4b. Comments Made by Bioware That May Help Clarify the Endings and Their Intent
Interview with Casey Hudson (Director) 03/12/12
“I didn’t want the game to be forgettable, right down to the sort of polarizing reaction that the ends have had with people–debating what the endings mean and what’s going to happen next, and what situation are the characters left in. That to me is part of what’s exciting about this story. There has always been a little bit of mystery there and a little bit of interpretation, and it’s a story that people can talk about after the fact.”
Interview with Casey Hudson (Director) 03/12/12
“I didn’t want the game to be forgettable, right down to the sort of polarizing reaction that the ends have had with people–debating what the endings mean and what’s going to happen next, and what situation are the characters left in. That to me is part of what’s exciting about this story. There has always been a little bit of mystery there and a little bit of interpretation, and it’s a story that people can talk about after the fact.”
Bioware intended the ending to be controversial. They wanted us to debate what the endings mean, which suggest to me they intended there to be deeper interpretations other than the littoral one. I doubt they expected as much anger and backlash though. I also doubt they did not expect there to be as much debate afterwards either. Or maybe they did? I certainly did not expect to write a 10,000 word document on the ending!
"Hudson and Walters spent most of their time focused on refining the end of the game, the final hour of Mass Effect 3 that would choreographed down to the second"
If it was choreographed down to the second how could so many illogical things happen during it? Unless all those illogical things are clues?
"How to end the trilogy was another subject of great debate. The massive Illusive Man boss battle was jettisoned, but the team was still unsure how to wrap things up. Hudson was pretty sure he wanted this to be the end of the Commander Shepard story, but did that mean he would die or survive? For weeks Hudson and Walters discussed the emotions they wanted players to feel at the end of the game and then wrote dialogue and scenes to support those feelings. One night Walters scribbled down some thoughts on various ways the game could end with the line "Lots of Speculation for Everyone!" at the bottom of the page. In truth the final bits of dialogue were debated right up until the end of 2011."
So we know they planned us to be speculating this ending. If the literal version was true I don't think it requires as much speculation as questions as to why it's crap.
And the fact they were debating the final bits of dialogue shows how much attention to detail they had. This was no slapped together ending that was rushed with little thought or care.
"And even in November the gameplay team was still experimenting with an endgame sequence where players would suddenly lose control of Shepard's movements and fall under full Reaper control. (This sequence was ultimately dropped because the gameplay mechanic proved too troublesome to implement alongside dialogue choices.)"
I think this quote is VERY important. As late into the development cycle as November 2011 they were working with a gameplay sequence that had Shepard fall under FULL Reaper control, which was removed. Note they did not mention removing a story section where Shepard was under Reaper control, but a gameplay sequence where Shepard was under FULL Reaper control. Suggesting to me that the game still contains that section with Shepard under partial Reaper control.
"How to end the trilogy was another subject of great debate. The massive Illusive Man boss battle was jettisoned, but the team was still unsure how to wrap things up. Hudson was pretty sure he wanted this to be the end of the Commander Shepard story, but did that mean he would die or survive? For weeks Hudson and Walters discussed the emotions they wanted players to feel at the end of the game and then wrote dialogue and scenes to support those feelings. One night Walters scribbled down some thoughts on various ways the game could end with the line "Lots of Speculation for Everyone!" at the bottom of the page. In truth the final bits of dialogue were debated right up until the end of 2011."
So we know they planned us to be speculating this ending. If the literal version was true I don't think it requires as much speculation as questions as to why it's crap.
And the fact they were debating the final bits of dialogue shows how much attention to detail they had. This was no slapped together ending that was rushed with little thought or care.
"And even in November the gameplay team was still experimenting with an endgame sequence where players would suddenly lose control of Shepard's movements and fall under full Reaper control. (This sequence was ultimately dropped because the gameplay mechanic proved too troublesome to implement alongside dialogue choices.)"
I think this quote is VERY important. As late into the development cycle as November 2011 they were working with a gameplay sequence that had Shepard fall under FULL Reaper control, which was removed. Note they did not mention removing a story section where Shepard was under Reaper control, but a gameplay sequence where Shepard was under FULL Reaper control. Suggesting to me that the game still contains that section with Shepard under partial Reaper control.
So Shepard being fully Indoctrinated was a part of the game, for a FACT as late in development as November 2011!
"We appreciate everyone’s feedback about Mass Effect 3 and want you to know that we are listening. Please note, we want to give people time to experience the game so while we can’t get into specifics right now, we will be able to address some of your questions once more people have had time to complete the game."
This says to me there are twists in the plot that they don't want to reveal until more people have played. Would also be a good reason to hold back an ending that exposed these twists until the summer.
4c. Comments Made by Bioware that are Confusing in the Light of the Current Endings
One of the strangest things about the ending, regardless of if Indoctrination Theory is correct or not is how many comments Bioware have made that seem to contradict the ending as it stands now. Could these be clues to what is coming in the Extended Cut? Could it be the original ending was cut out to be used in the EC? If not then why do many of these comments seem like outright lies?
Comments before the game went gold:
Interview with Casey Hudson (Director) 4/28/11
“For people who are invested in these characters and the back-story of the universe and everything, all of these things come to a resolution in Mass Effect 3. And they are resolved in a way that's very different based on what you would do in those situations.”
NOTE: The problem with the above quote is that it seems almost impossible the get the "perfect" ending with Shepard surviving with only the single player.
This says to me there are twists in the plot that they don't want to reveal until more people have played. Would also be a good reason to hold back an ending that exposed these twists until the summer.
4c. Comments Made by Bioware that are Confusing in the Light of the Current Endings
One of the strangest things about the ending, regardless of if Indoctrination Theory is correct or not is how many comments Bioware have made that seem to contradict the ending as it stands now. Could these be clues to what is coming in the Extended Cut? Could it be the original ending was cut out to be used in the EC? If not then why do many of these comments seem like outright lies?
Comments before the game went gold:
Interview with Casey Hudson (Director) 4/28/11
“For people who are invested in these characters and the back-story of the universe and everything, all of these things come to a resolution in Mass Effect 3. And they are resolved in a way that's very different based on what you would do in those situations.”
Interviewer: [Regarding the numerous possible endings of Mass Effect 2] “Is that same type of complexity built into the ending of Mass Effect 3?”
Hudson: “Yeah, and I’d say much more so, because we have the ability to build the endings out in a way that we don’t have to worry about eventually tying them back together somewhere. This story arc is coming to an end with this game. That means the endings can be a lot more different. At this point we’re taking into account so many decisions that you’ve made as a player and reflecting a lot of that stuff. It’s not even in any way like the traditional game endings, where you can say how many endings there are or whether you got ending A, B, or C.....The endings have a lot more sophistication and variety in them.”
“We have a rule in our franchise that there is no canon. You as a player decide what your story is.”
“Every decision you've made will impact how things go. The player's also the architect of what happens."
Whether you're happy or angry at the ending, know this: it is an ending.
BioWare will not do a "Lost" and leave fans with more questions than
answers after finishing the game, Gamble promised.
“You'll get answers to everything. That was one of the key things. Regardless of how we did everything, we had to say, yes, we're going to provide some answers to these people.”
“Because a lot of these plot threads are concluding and because it's being brought to a finale, since you were a part of architecting how they got to how they were, you will definitely sense how they close was because of the decisions you made and because of the decisions you didn't make”
"Of course you don’t have to play multiplayer, you can choose to play all the side-quests in single-player and do all that stuff you’ll still get all the same endings and same information, it’s just a totally different way of playing"
“And, to be honest, you [the fans] are crafting your Mass Effect story as much as we are anyway.”
Comments made after the game went gold. So no changes could be made at this point. The ending on the disk, was set in stone (or digital versatile disk if you will).
“Experience the beginning, middle, and end of an emotional story unlike any other, where the decisions you make completely shape your experience and outcome.”
“There is a huge set of consequences that start stacking up as you approach the end-game. And even in terms of the ending itself, it continues to break down to some very large decisions. So it's not like a classic game ending where everything is linear and you make a choice between a few things - it really does layer in many, many different choices, up to the final moments, where it's going to be different for everyone who plays it.”
“There are many different endings. We wouldn’t do it any other way. How could you go through all three campaigns playing as your Shepard and then be forced into a bespoke ending that everyone gets? But I can’t say any more than that…”
“[The presence of the Rachni] has huge consequences in Mass Effect 3. Even just in the final battle with the Reapers.”
“Fans want to make sure that they see things resolved, they want to get some closure, a great ending. I think they’re going to get that.”
“Mass Effect 3 is all about answering all the biggest questions in the lore, learning about the mysteries and the Protheans and the Reapers, being able to decide for yourself how all of these things come to an end.”
Interviewer: “So are you guys the creators or the stewards of the franchise?”
Hudson: “Um… You know, at this point, I think we’re co-creators with the fans. We use a lot of feedback.”
“I’m always leery of saying there are 'optimal' endings, because I think one of the things we do try to do is make different endings that are optimal for different people”
Interview with Mac Walters (Lead Writer) 3/7/12
Issue 108 of 360Gamer (Hardcopy only, not available online)
When asked about the science of the game being plausible
"From very early on we wanted the science of the universe to be plausible. Obviously it's set in the future so you have to make some leaps of faith but we didn't want it to be just magic in space."
I believe this is the source of the term "space magic".
“The whole idea of Mass Effect3 is resolving all of the biggest questions, about the Protheons and the Reapers, and being in the driver's seat to end the galaxy and all of these big plot lines, to decide what civilizations are going to live or die: All of these things are answered in Mass Effect 3.”
4d. Twitter!
4d. Twitter!
My goodness Twitter has been a source of great debate around the end of Mass Effect 3, especially the Tweets of Bioware community manger Jessica Merizan and Associate Producer Mike Gamble.
Let's start with the one that I think is most important. On the 8th of March, 2 days after Mass Effect 3's release Mike Gamble (among others) were beginning to feel the full force of Mass Effect fans disappointment at the current endings. It was at this point Mr. Gamble posted this to Twitter -

If this was in direct response to all the anger at the endings (which it clearly appears to be). Then logic dictates that he is suggesting they are planning something with the endings that he believes would remedy why people are hating them. And remember this was long before the Extended Cut was announced! Was an expanded ending planned from the start? Remember this was 2 days after release!
And when another user asked the main Mass Effect Twitter account this -
This was the reply -
So if we knew what was in store we would be less unhappy about the ending according to Bioware! So something was already planned 2 days after release, long before the anti-ending movement even really gained traction.
I think it is clear from this that they are not talking about any old DLC, but very specific DLC related to what people are upset by. The endings!
It would seem that Bioware always intended to do something that would change peoples feelings towards the endings. If Indoctrination was the intent, then a delayed reveal to allow people time to experience and speculate would not only make sense, it would be brilliant.
It would be one of the best events in gaming of all time! Especially if it was on the back of months of heated debate on the issue.
More Tweets and analysis coming soon...
Make no mistake, juts because I am arguing that the Indoctrination Theory was fully intended by Bioware it does not mean I think there are no problems with it.
It's biggest and most obvious problem to me is the fact that if true we are left without a real ending. We do not know if the Reapers were ever defeated. We do not know what happened to our squad mates or the rest of the galaxy for that matter.
It seems to me that if the Extended Cut is to deal with these issues it almost certainly needs some additional gameplay. Why would Bioware put themselves in a position to be criticized for not releasing a full game?
Or maybe they fully intend to always leave the ending ambiguous. Maybe they simply want us to debate this ending, after all we were never supposed to know if Deckard was really a replicant in Blade Runner. But this seems too much of a cop out. This goes beyond if one man was a synthetic life form, the entire fate of the galaxy is left undecided.
I personally feel that if Bioware leave the ending open to interpretation they will make things worse. The IT believers will feel their story has not ended. And the IT-skeptics will continue to just hate the ending.
Bioware are between a rock and a hard place. I simply cannot see how the literal ending can be saved, it's that bad. Now if it's intuitionally like that because IT is the truth, it NEEDS to be resolved. Bioware lose their artists vision of leaving us all on a brilliant debatable question, but if they don't they lose their artistic credibility because far too many people will continue to believe the literal ending is true, and that's it's terrible.
The percentage of people that seem to like the ending appears to be very small, and virtually none of the hardcore base see to (looking at the forums and polls).
The Prothean VI
Many people have argued that the fact that the Prothean VI identifies Kai Leng as an "Indoctrinated presence" but not Shepard is proof that Shepard is not Indoctrinated.
However the theory is that Shepard is slowly being Indoctrinated and is not already Indoctrinated. And since we know the Prothean's were also infiltrated by Indoctrination, it stands to reason that either their detection skills are not 100% or they can only detect a fully Indoctrinated being.
I'll probably continue to add more poignant criticism of Indoctrination here later.
6. Other Thoughts, Theories & Conjecture
How Long Has The Illusive Man Been Indoctrinated? (Ref. 2a)
Since we know that the Illusive Man was exposed to Reaper tech that was used to Indoctrinate people in the First Contact War can we conclude he has been Indoctrinated since then? Are his actions in ME2 rather odd if already Indoctrinated?
Well we also know that Indoctrination can be a very long and slow process, and it is strongest when within proximity of Reapers. So I think we can guess that he was only in very early stages of Indoctrination up until the arrival of the Reapers in ME3, due to the way he was exposed (see the Mass Effect 4-part comic Evolution).
Many of his decisions were probably subtly influenced by the Reapers since the First Contact war, and once the reapers arrived in ME3 they had laid enough ground work to fully take control of both him and Cerberus itself.
How Similar All the Endings Are
It is very interesting in light of all the talk from Bioware about how dynamic and varied the endings would be to note that there are only actually 6 different endings. Unless you count the differences of who can step off the Normandy as a different ending.
And how remarkably similar all these endings are! Here is a breakdown of what endings you can get.
Destroy Good, Destroy Bad, Destroy Vaporization
Control Good, Control Bad
Synergy Good
See all six endings in action side by side -
Thematically Revolting
Over on the Bioware Social Forum one poster posted the thoughts of their Lit Professor who had played through the game. His outline of why the ending is thematically contrary to the rest of the entire game series is concise and compelling.
I think it adds weight to the discussion of how Bioware could have dropped the ball so massively in the last 20 minutes of there masterpiece.
Read it here.
The Motivations of the Reapers
One of the least convincing things that the Catalyst tells you is the motivation of the Reapers. We are told that in order to preserve advanced organic life from being destroyed by the Synthetic life it created the Reapers to harvest them and preserve them into new Reapers.
I have already gone over the circular and flawed logic of this. Also though, is organic life really "preserved" by being turned into goo that fuels a Reaper? I think not.
And what species was harvested in the first place to make the Reapers? And harvested by whom if the Reapers were not yet made? Too many questions that I am simply going to call it BS.
And what species was harvested in the first place to make the Reapers? And harvested by whom if the Reapers were not yet made? Too many questions that I am simply going to call it BS.
So what other clues do we have to the Reapers motivations throughout the games.
Well in Mass Effect 2 EDI suggests that the Collectors are 'facilitating Reaper reproduction' by constructing a new Reaper, and also estimated that the Collectors would have to gather millions of humans in order to complete it. EDI also speculated that any Reaper is built to resemble the race used to create it, and that the Reapers had unsuccessfully attempted to construct a Reaper from Prothean raw material.
So if the Reapers are built to resemble the race used to create it, then why do they all look like Cuttlefish?
UPDATE: Well it turns out Mass Effect 3 lead writer Mac Walters claims that it is only the "Core" of the Reaper that assumes the shape of the original species. I have modified my theory to accommodate this. -
[Game Informer] Why do most of the Reapers we’ve seen so far have similar insect-like appearances? The human Reaper looked different, but otherwise it seems like the Reapers mainly build themselves out of bugs. Is that correct?
[Mac Walters]: The exterior of the Reapers does follow a similar pattern, an efficient design for the purpose they were created for. However each Reaper is created from a unique species, and as we saw at the end of Mass Effect 2, the core of each Reaper is designed in the likeness of that species.
[Game Informer] Why do most of the Reapers we’ve seen so far have similar insect-like appearances? The human Reaper looked different, but otherwise it seems like the Reapers mainly build themselves out of bugs. Is that correct?
[Mac Walters]: The exterior of the Reapers does follow a similar pattern, an efficient design for the purpose they were created for. However each Reaper is created from a unique species, and as we saw at the end of Mass Effect 2, the core of each Reaper is designed in the likeness of that species.
If this is true, why? Why do they need to make the core in the shape of the species the DNA goo comes from? It's hardly like the species is better preserved by having that shape, since it is never seen. And anyway the species is actually DNA goo!
If EDI is correct and the Reapers are actually more interested in using advanced organics in order to reproduce, rather than to preserve the organic race that would actually make a lot more sense, as I said would you feel "preserved" as genetic goo?
What they are preserving, is themselves.
Could it be they hide in hibernation waiting for organic races to reach a certainly level at which point they would be most likely to be a suitable match for Reaper reproduction. The Reapers send collectors to test the organics to find the best possible match and once found they emerge to harvest said race and wipe out the others to prevent them warning the future organics.
After all if there purpose was to preserve organic races, why did they fail to harvest the Protheans?
After all if there purpose was to preserve organic races, why did they fail to harvest the Protheans?
It would explain why the Reapers took a big interest in Humans. Because they believed the diversity of our genetics gave them the best chances at reproduction.
It would also make sense of what the Collectors were up to, sampling each race ahead of the Reaper invasion to find the most suitable candidates. It would explain why the Human Reaper was being built ahead of the actual Reaper invasion too.
And it would explain why Earth is such a frontline for the Reaper invasion in this cycle.
It is so far the best theory I have come up with.
Be sure to let me know what I have missed or if I have gotten any of the facts incorrect.
All worthy work is open to interpretations the author did not intend. Art isn't your pet — it's your kid. It grows up and talks back to you.
- Joss Whedon
Credits, Thanks and Acknowledgments
None of this would be possible without the incredible work of a great many Mass Effect fans. I will try and credit and source everyone I have used to put this together. If anyone feels I have missed someone, please do not hesitate to contact me and let me know and I'll be sure to add them.
From the Bioware Social Forum
byne - Was the ending a hallucination? - Indoctrination Theory Thread
Turtlicious - Compiled many theories used in that thread.
kyleh619, Deklan_Caine, Luc0s, Kitten Tactics, lookingglassmind: - Offered theories used in that thread
byne - Was the ending a hallucination? - Indoctrination Theory Thread
Turtlicious - Compiled many theories used in that thread.
kyleh619, Deklan_Caine, Luc0s, Kitten Tactics, lookingglassmind: - Offered theories used in that thread
obie191970 - Boy next to Warning signs images.
balance5050 - Concrete rubble images from London
Rifneno - Feelings of being watched
balance5050 - Concrete rubble images from London
Rifneno - Feelings of being watched
Johnny G - Comments from Bioware
JTP117 - Dream Diolougue
Gallifreya - Feedback and in game comments that refer to Indoctrination
Sire Styx - Feedback
JTP117 - Dream Diolougue
Gallifreya - Feedback and in game comments that refer to Indoctrination
Sire Styx - Feedback
Rifneno - Feedback and End_Choice_Bad model
llbountyhunter - Feedback and Platform that raises for Shepard and Anderson
prettz - Screenshots of tree's before and after being hit be Harbinger
SS2Dante - Gun change when choosing Destroy
ACAVYOS - Shepard's Indoctrination (NEW)
cvg - Mass Effect 3 Ending - Worst Possible Ending
FlyinB - Female Shepard Breath "Mass Effect 3: Destroy Ending"
Quiksilver326 - Male Shepard Breath "Mass Effect 3: Shepard Lives! Ending"
Crosscade - "Mass Effect 3 - Ending Movie Comparison - All the Colors"
prettz - Screenshots of tree's before and after being hit be Harbinger
SS2Dante - Gun change when choosing Destroy
ACAVYOS - Shepard's Indoctrination (NEW)
cvg - Mass Effect 3 Ending - Worst Possible Ending
FlyinB - Female Shepard Breath "Mass Effect 3: Destroy Ending"
Quiksilver326 - Male Shepard Breath "Mass Effect 3: Shepard Lives! Ending"
Crosscade - "Mass Effect 3 - Ending Movie Comparison - All the Colors"
Tirelth - First Dream Sequence
ReclaimFiretree - Second and Third Dream Sequence
MsMasseffectfan - Boy runs through locked door.
Bill Casey, balance5050 - Tree reflections thread
Lone Irbis
Other Videos
MyVids2010 - Mass Effect 3 Indoctrination Synthesis Saren/Reaper's Trick
Other Sources and articles of note
MsMasseffectfan - Boy runs through locked door.
Bill Casey, balance5050 - Tree reflections thread
Lone Irbis
Other Videos
MyVids2010 - Mass Effect 3 Indoctrination Synthesis Saren/Reaper's Trick
Other Sources and articles of note
Whispers (from the dream sequence) can be heard in this YouTube video:
Personally (I've re-played ME3 twice) I only heard/recognised voice of Kaiden (whom I left behind on Vermire) and salarian who sounds like Mordin (whom I let sacrifice himself for the Krogan cause).
Also, in my Shepard's dream I can only make out Kaiden saying ' know it's the right choice' and Mording saying '...had to be me. Someone else might have goten it wrong'.
Now, do note this: both sentences were uttered by both characters: Kaiden said it on Virmire in ME1, whilst Mordin said it both in ME2 (at some point) and in ME3 (while getting into Shroud elevator).
One other thing - my Shepard was always Paragon and saved everyone she could etc. etc. (except for Mordin and Kaiden mentioned before). Strangely, I never heard Legion's voice (who did 'sacrificed' himself on Quarian homeplanet). HOWEVER, having said that, I listen to the YouTube dream 'whispers' many times and - knowing all 3 ME games quite well - things that are said by the voices are things that I would expect to hear IF the characters died at some point in the game (Grunt, Wrex, Miranda, Tali, Ashley, Kaidan and Legion come to mind).
However, in the YouTube video there are some voices 'missing' - I can't make out Liara's voice, or Jokers, or Andersons or quite a few other voices of characters either.
Either way I never heard any 'warning' voices/messages in the dream sequence myself.
Hope that helps a bit!
Really, really great job compelling all this. :) Was interesting to read. Even found a couple things i never seen before.
While reading, i've been copy-pasting things i wanted to comment, making some notes, so i'll just try to expand on that - it's not criticism on most part, just few questions/clarifications/etc. I for myself been supporting IT all the way since i finished the game and came to this very conclusion myself after digging it a bit. Tho i don't have an access to BSN, so couldn't contribute to it much, so comments would have to do for me. :) Also i might be in the very minority of players who actually think the ending was good for exactly the 'speculation for everyone' part. I just can't help but to enjoy all this theories, analysis, etc nerding stuff. :) Ok, to the point(s). *would have to split it for a few comments, thanks to the damn word limit*
1) "If you are a Paragon the Catalyst's first words to you are "Wake up", even though Shepard does not actually appear to be unconscious at that moment, just crouched on all fours in pain."
- I _might_ be wrong, but so far everywhere i saw this argument, it was not Paragon/Renegate related, but simply EMS. Like, over 2k or something you get 'Wake up', otherwise 'what are you doing here'.
2) "Why is it that if Shepard is successful in convincing the Illusive Man to resist his own Indoctrination, Shepard only needs 4000 EMS (rather than 5000) to "wake up" alive after choosing Destroy?"
- Again, i could be wrong, but i always thought it was letting TIM kill Anderson or preventing him from doing so (not necessary by suicide) is what determines if you need 5k or 4k for breath. On that part it's even better explanation on why does it matters in IT context - if you save your resisting part from being 'killed' by indoctrinated, then it's much easier to wake up if you resist indoctrination.
3) Choices' construction. If i didn't missed something, you never mentioned how those 3 choices function, aside from fact they've been build on CITADEL (it's not on crusible, as far as i know by someone's research of screenshots) by whoever created that. I mean, that you need to shoot the tube for destroy, grab things for control, etc. At very best it was designed with humanoids in mind. The best conter to this may be another 'stupid BW has no brainz' argument, for them to sacrifice all sense for symbolism. Other then that, it may be explained by the assumption that despite everything's taken at face value, that exact room is idd in his head, but it just the way the Catalist communicates with organics - which could explain nearly everything strange from choice room, except maybe the 1M1 on _both_ stairs and inside the room (which, tbh, ruins this assumption pretty much).
4) Reaper cables in breath scene. While indeed somewhat compelling, it doesn't really works perfect as the booster of "Shep lives in London". Because a) those cables aren't really exclusive for Reapers (we can see similar pretty much everywhere, and finding them somewhere near the main reaper human-processing hub isn't much of a surprise), and b) in context of IT, Shepard tends to patch things he can't imagine with something familiar or whatever he can see nearby (same way we can see 'Mako wheels' the way coices similar with the conduit beam). Which could explain why he can see those cables in a choice room at first place. Other then that it's still worse noting as counter-argument, i was just wondering why those counters going as is, without any analysis on their plausibility (same on most of them). Was it intended or just to save some space?
5) TIM-like eyes counter. The Shep's eyes could be just synthetic one i mean. Also doesn't work all that good since we can see Renegate Shepard's eyes are quite the opposite - they're RED on the inside, and with reversed dots pattern (1 at the bottom, 2 on top). Which can indicate _something_ (for example, that Shep's second life given by TIM was idd under the influence of Reaper indoc and there's something we're yet to know on those implants), but it pretty much disproofs that counter, based on 'we see his/her eyes on the inside because they're burning'. If so, it'd be more plausible to see his/her eyes turing red even while paragonish. I'm not saying this counter is no good, just that it's unlikely good enough to not include any analysis on itself. And there's also the usual 'BW are dumb and in a rush, or thought it'd look cool' that many tend to use for whatever makes no sense.
6) Dreams. There's also something worse of note: the boy's laugh by the end is REALLY creepy, reaper-like. You can hear it clearly on one video i sadly have no link to, but you can probably find it easy enough.
Also, the more-or-less plausible counter to all dream stuff i encountered were "it's just Shepard's guilt, there's no secret meaning, everything like creepy shadows or whispers is there just to show us it's a nightmare, and like every nightmare there's not much sense other then be scary". I don't find it a good one tho, but that's the best i could find.
7) Squad's bodies on the before-the-beam part. You state they were cut, but in fact it's just the scene where they've been hit by lazer was cut. The bodies are still there - you can see both of your squaddies dead on the ground after the hit, but only on lowest EMS. Which leads me to though that can be another evidence for IT: why cut the hit part when it's already done? No good reason if endings taken at face value and squad idd was killed/knocked (aside from maybe reducing the drama amount and leaving some hope, which doesn't seems to be the case for below 2k EMS). But if all we see after hit is made by Shepard's mind, then dead squad is something Shepard could imagine as yet another reflection of his endless guilt, which was increased by Reapers because of lower willpower (which is likely suggested to be the case in low EMS scenario). I'm saying it could be cut to support the vagueness of ending without giving any 100% proofs to any theory (speculation for everyone).
8) Piles of bodies near mako. Actually, on my resent playthrough i found very similar low-textured piles with exact same armor inside the Collector ship in ME2. So not sure if this particular evidence is all that supporting - it seems those are the standard piles that used in places where players arn't supposed to walk near or look close. On the other side, it may idd be a subtile clue from whoever designed this, even if the texture existed before. It still looks too much of a dreamy guilt stuff.
9) Keepers inside the citadel. I never tested it myself (don't have access to the game atm), but i've heard somewhere that... err, not sure of proper english word here. But you can walk _inside_ one of those keepers. They're like not there at all. You can't do that with any other keeper in the game. And even my lame programming skills are enough to know that they copypast things like keepers with set of default params, and someone needed to at least click a checkbox somewhere to set 'yeah, you can walk though this'. This whole thing needs confirmation tho.
10) Being watched. I've seen someone noticing that sometimes when you walk around citadel you can see a few NPC to _always_ follow their heads to your movements. Not all of them, just some. Which is exactly 'being watched' clue, if it's true. Again, not mine, so needs confirmation.
11) 1M1. I want to stress it a bit here. It's still pretty subjective, so don't consider it unless you think the same way. But in my opinion this really deserves the place somewhere near the top part, not the 'straws' part. Because while seemingly minor thing, it's probably one of the few evidences that _cannot_ be explained with any plausibility at all any other way then what we see after the beam is not real. You see, the point is it can't really be reused texture. It just the most ridiculous counter for this. No designer, however lazy he/she might be, would use the very likely unique texture and model (we can't see exactly this thing anywhere else in the game - it's 99% was drawn for exact this place) just to fastforward the developing. There's thousands of ready-to-use non-ambiguous textures like plain metallic wall, etc. There's NO reason to smack some strange piece of Normandy-like texture on citadel UNLESS it's intended. Also it's not something that could've be missed by every single tester up until it was late to fix. You can see it even in the cinematic, on VERY visible spot, and i don't buy that no one bothered to watch their ending before shipping. It's just not the glitch that could be overlooked. So it's there for a reason. At worst - with just random english letters. But if someone bothered to put english text there, why make it random? Coincidences happen in real world, yes. But not in games where every detail must be created by someone by instruction from someone else, then approved by someone else, tested by many more, approved again. So just simple, primitive deduction leaves only one possibility: IT WAS INTENDED. What exactly was this intended to mean is all different question, but the very least is it meant to accent that what we see is somehow wrong, unreal.
12) Joker flying from the wave. Probably just a minor points, but here's what i got. Despite we don't know how long was Shepard knocked off inside the citadel (unlikely it was long on the lazer hit since we can hear the radio of 'no one made it to the beam - they wouldn't wait for an hour to conclude that'), i can't see a fitting time-frame for Joker to picking up squad and rest and be on the way to the relay by the time Shepard picked a color. Even if he's been using FTL (which why would he inside the Sol system? They don't seems to use it aside from traveling between the star systems), it's highly unlikely he'd made it all the way to mass relay while picking a shuttle from earth. Even if there was a reason to fly somewhere else with best Shep's squad, like some new info on how to help to destroy reapers if he'd made it in time to other system. But how does he exactly flies at same speed with the wave? Not much slower, not 1000x faster (if it's spreading on light speed). On exact speed to get burned by it (btw, it doesn't harm anything else other then Normandy for some reason, on any color - also worth a note), and gets it right in time to mass relay eventually while already crushing. I don't buy it he just noticed some strange wave spreading from crusible and started to fly away on that point - no time for that for sure. So again the only counter to this is really, really, really bad writing. Terrible writing. Which somehow seems fitting perfectly and becoming brilliant writing if one to assume those clues are not bugs/laziness/coincidences. Yeah.
13) Reapers looking the same. I've seen someone mentioning there was once Word of God that reapers do look the same only on the outside - it's just a battle shell, but inside there's a copy of the whatever civilization that reaper is based on. Which is ofc lame excuse to not design zillion different reaper models, but still, that's how it appears to be. Also, same source claiming there's just one/few (if multiple harvested species, at best a few reapers for each) created each cycle. So it suggests that generally there's near to non Reaper losses taken to eliminate all advanced organic life. When there are already hundreds reapers killed at this cycle, and even if crusible wasn't ready, the war was supposed to continue with even more 'casualties' on Reaper side. Which leads me to think it was idd in best Reaper interests to indoctrinate Shepard. They should be at least concerned of their own existence. They still have enough power to be pretty sure of winning. But why would they want to sacrifice like half their numbers for this when they're known for the tactic of using indoctrinated leaders to crush organic forces from the inside? This would explain at least why would they need Shepard not dead, but submitting. Also explains why does Harbinger 1-shots like ants everyone running to the beam, while missing to hit not even dodging Shepard at least 2 times, as if intentionally aiming to knock out, not burn to death.
Also, while i'm on it, a bit of grammar-nazziness from me, just some typos i noticed you can search for:
"The there", "An the Reapers", "final bits of dialogue shows much how attention"
Ok, this should be it. For now at least. Sorry if it's too long. :)
Thanks guys! Especially Lone Irbis. When I have time I'll go through all your comments and add the pertinent information to the guide.
I also LOVE all the speculation, much better than finishing the game and thinking "that was pretty good" and forgetting about it. I have been obsessed with it since completing it!
If I had more time I would respond point by point. I'll try and do that tomorrow.
On the counter-arguments. I actually restrained myself from trying to discredit the counter argument in order to remain as neutral as possible. I believe the fact the counter-argments are so weak speaks for themselves, any attempt by me to discredit them would just came across as bias and end up being less convincing.
With regards to the following:
"... the Illusive Man stands behind Anderson and appears to take a gun from behind Anderson..."
I just want to point out that 'space magic' has happened before in the Mass Effect universe. Just watch this video:
Shepard get the gun (pistol) out of thin air in this scene (and we know for a fact that s/he doesn't carry one except for some of the cut scenes throughout the game).
Thanks a lot Parabolee for making this. I have been fascinated by this theory as well and it would be good to see all the evidence and arguments collated in one place :)
I have another bit of evidence that to the best of my knowledge hasn't been mentioned anywhere. It isn't strong evidence and would belong in your "Clutching at straws" section, but it makes sense for IT. What I am referring to is the scene where we first see Vent Boy, and he is playing with what looks like a fighter ship. It is a trick shot, so at first the viewer thinks they are looking at a real ship, but as the camera pulls away it is revealed to be a toy. You can see it here at (1:15):
This fits with IT for two reasons:
1)It could be interpreted as saying Vent Boy is controlling or toying with the alliance, and by synecdoche with Shepard. At first I thought the toy was the Normandy, which I admit would have made this point stronger, but on closer inspection it's just some alliance fighter. Still the way this shot is sequenced after the opening scene of the fleet, it is natural to initially think Shepard is the one aboard that ship, coming to the rescue.
2)More convincingly, the trick shot itself is a message that "things are not always what they seem." I remember being irritated when I first saw this after starting up ME3. It seemed like a show off-y double take that doesn’t do anything to advance the story. But under IT it makes plenty of sense. A camera trick like this pulls you out of the game for a second and makes you think about what is really going on. It is as if the game developers are telling you to be wary, setting expectations for further illusions later on.
Remember that this scene is at the opening minutes of ME3, where the game is supposed to be establishing what the story is going to be all about. If I was going to pull off a massive stunt such as Indoctrination on my players, I would want to have a scene like this at beginning as a matter of artistic integrity.
...and another YouTube video, this time a compilation of different 'alien noises'; you can just about make out StarBrat voice saying such us 'please come home' 'everyone's dying' etc. which would suggest that Harbinger wanted Shepard to come to Earth.
Here is the video:
Hey, thank you for this awesome compilation!
Just wanted to add something about "shiny fabricated object" visible in the breath scene. Doesn't it look like those, er, pillars around the Conduit? It's lower parts, like here:
Not sure what can it possibly mean. Shepard made it to the Conduit and got back to London after the blast?
Also a couple of other points:
The decision chamber appears to be in open space. How is this possible?
In ME1, if you take Kaidan near the Conduit on the Citadel, he mentions a hum. I have pictures of this event if you'd like to see.
Also, one thing I noticed upon listening to the "whispers" here is that there is NO Liara or Joker. Because they can't die.
This kind of lends a bit more oomph to the survivor's guilt thing, which plays into IT quite well.
Thank you for this compilation.
Something for the "Comments of Bioware" section: In this video interview, Mike Gamble was asked whether the ending could also contain the Reapers winning, in which he replies with "Yep" and "Absolutely".
Well except for "Critical Mission Failure", that was missing as well.
I wanted to explain the reason why the Reapers look the same, but Lone Irbis already did it in his point 13.
I just wanted to point out that in the ME2 outro, at least some of the Reapers in the advancing Reaper Fleet look unique (, but none of them are seen in ME3.
Also Harbinger was basically stripped into a Sovereign-class Reaper with a missing leg and eyes, even though he lookes very different in ME2/Arrival.
@c2k - Thanks for the input. I'll take a look at the video and include it.
On the Reapers, I have seen no source that supports that Reapers are the same on the outside but look different on the inside, so I discount that until I see evidence to support.
It seems to me that the in game evidence better supports that a new Reaper made from a new species would take on a form more like that species.
Also I do not see any real variety in that image that would support entirely different species being the basis. Sure some look a little different and as you say we don't see that reflected in ME3 which is odd, but none are different enough to be anything close to the variety of organic species I would expect too see.
It's certainly an area that deserves further investigation.
I'm not saying that their appearance in ME2 outro is based on the species that Reaper is made from.
There was an interview with either Casey or Mac (I will try to find it later) in which he said the Reaper core looks like the species it is made from (like the Human Reaper Larva), but the outer shell is made in a way more suitable for space travel (look of Sovereign).
So basically, if you would crack that shell open, you could see how that species looked like.
That's the explanation, but still I'm disappointed that we only see Sovereign lookalikes on the game.
Even Harbinger was stripped down to Sovereign with one missing leg and eyes.
You have to admit that those Reapers in the ME2 outro look different from each other, even when they are probably not the looks of their original species, it just bothers me that we don't see any of them in ME3.
Really impressive summary- thank you so much for this, I've been looking for a comprehensive collection. Couple of adds:
1) The cubemap: People can see reflections of trees in the reflective surface of the choice room- they looked into the architecture of the game and found that there are, indeed, trees present by design, in the reflection only- more evidence it is all in SHep's mind:
2) The musical cues: If you choose control or synthesis, the same musical cue is played- dark music and the blare of a Reaper horn. If you choose destroy, a hopeful piano song is played. Given the importance of music in the game, this subtly points towards IT being true.
3) The 'stargazer' epilogue: The last lines in the series are: "Okay, there is time for one more story." This seems to me an indicator that Shepard's story is not finished and that they planned to extend it all along.
Thanks! Especially for the info on the cubemap! I had not seen that yet. Added it to the guide. Will investigate the musical cues too.
Heya, great blog! Just wanted to point out though that two of the bits of evidence have been discredited.
The plotID thing - apparently the endgame is split into 3 sections; the run at the conduit, the citadel, and the crucible. In the game files these are referred to as ending001, ending002 etc. So it looks like the plotID's set are not for the 3 different endings but the different sections.
And the Anderson subtitles - the game starts referring to him as Admiral Anderson in the subs when he is explaining the Hammer attack plan (at the end of the sequence where you talk to all the squadmates in London HQ). It seems to chop and change between the two names from then.
Think the IT is right but we gotta believe it for the right reasons. Keep up the great work with the blog!
Reaper's "cores" look like the species that was used, but the outer shells all look more or less like Cuttlefish. Think of the outer shell as armour.
@Unknown - Can you cite me a source for that? I have heard people claim it but I have seen no evidence to support it.
Are you sure that is not just what someone guessed at as an explanation as to why all Reapers look the same as apposed to any actual canon evidence?
Also why do the Reapers build a core that looks like the species it is based on but then make the shell to look the same? To what end?
It seems like a basic assumption the shell looks the same simply because we see the Human Reaper but all Reapers that we have seen look the same.
But it could just as easily be that the Reapers have only successfully converted one species into a Reaper.
UPDATE on the Reaper core's. Since nobody who has claimed it cited me a source I went looking for one myself.
Seems Mac Walters (Lead writer on ME3) claims that is the case.
Will update the guide.
Right, new info, about the symbolism of the gun (and with some direct evidence).
The gun, I believe is a sign of rebellion. You use it to activate destroy, while in both control and synthesis you toss it away. The first thing you see upon awakening after Harbingers attack is the gun. but each"step" into the dream removes focus from it. When you wake up after the conduit you have to walk forward and "find" the gun on the floor, and when you're talking to the Catalyst you're holding the gun (observe sheps trigger finger in place) but it's invisible.
I noticed when examining the game files that in the red ending files for both the carnifex AND predator are loaded, while in the green and blue only the carnifex is loaded. The carnifex is the gun Shepard used when shooting Mordin, so is presumably associated with negative outcomes/bad situations. Meanwhile the predator is the gun TIM takes from Anderson, and Shepards usual gun.
Anyway, if you choose Red ending, at the VERY last second, when the explosion occurs, you can see that Shep is no longer holding a carnifex but a predator.
If you choose destroy, Shep gets his gun back :D
Pictorial evidence
(Courtesy of MegumiAzusa of the Bioware forums, I was too lazy :P)
Oh, by the way in the above screenshot there's a slight glitch, Shepard has, in panel 3, the predator on her belt. This was a mistake, since the poster had done a force quit just after the predator was loaded the first time (forgot to turn on FRAPS :P)
So usually Shepard only has one gun on her, and the gun changes from a Carnifex to a Predator. Just in case you wondered where the second gun came from :P
@SS2Dante. Thanks, very interesting. I will have to check this myself though, especially in light of that gun glitch.
Will add it to the guide as soon as I do.
@SS2Dante - Yep that all checks out. Added to guide including your thoughts on it's meaning.
Great work!
Actually, we know the reapers were defeated:
Shepard is a legend in his/her own mind. Lol.
But seriously, that DLC message proves nothing.
Wow, you did an outstanding job compiling all this. Just, wow. I have to say I was a skeptic on IT, but after reading this I think it's clear that Shep is in some sort of dream state. Whether that is indoctrination or not, I'm not at a point to commit to anything. However, I do not believe there will be any new ending. In fact, it's entirely possible that IT could be true but the ending we got is still the final ending.
@ JaimeCOTC
Thanks for the comments. Although you posted on the out of date site, be sure to check out the new site, it has a LOT more evidence -
As for the new ending. The consensus among IT supporters is that clarification that a lot of these events were an indoctrination influenced hallucination and showing the real events that close out the game would not in fact constitute a "new ending".
"New ending" implies changing the current one. IT says the current one stays but is revealed to be in part or in whole a indoctrination influenced hallucination.
Thanks again
Brilliant read. Love the catch about the rachni 'oily shadows' especially. Had forgotten that part.
Also, brilliant catch with the trees/bodies around beam. I swear at least one of the voices whispering in Shepard's dreams is Ashley, so the bodies deal does seem reasonable.
A couple additional comments:
Shepard DOES mention to the boy at least once. In her (or his, I guess, if you roll dudeshep) first convo with Garrus after Palavan, a paragon response will have Shepard mention 'a boy, about 6 or 7. I watched him die as I escaped in the Normandy. Now I'm alive and he's not.' So it does come up - this guilt thing.
But I totally agree about the boy and the signs - I saw the one by the vent, but missed the other two. Another thing is the boy not only runs into a locked room, but that whole room EXPLODES a second later - windows blown out and everything - but by hiding in a vent, the kid has not a scratch on him. Also, if you do vancouver in flycam, you'll see he came from a rooftop on the other end of the map to the one shep finds him in. that kid has wicked ninja skills to be leaping around buildings like that - and disappearing into vents out to landing zone, too.
I would also think the names Crucible (a test) and Catalyst (that which changes without itself being changed) are of note.
Plugging my own blog post here, but I wrote a chunk of the bad logic of the starchild out:
what starchild says has really nothing in common thematically with what came before, not the least of which is that EVERYTHING prior to this point emphasizes the primacy of choice and the importance of diverse people working together. Starchild instead says we should either give up choice (control) or diversity (synthesis). Funny thing, that.
Lastly, I noticed a VERY weird line this last run: sHepard says to the council upon first meeting with them that "The Reapers want to wipe out all ORganic life."
That is really weird to me, because we all know that's not the case, and Shepard should know that more than anyone. The reapers clearly have taken out synthetics also (other than themselves) or there would be ancient synthetic races still around. Also, they ONLY harvest space-faring sapients, organic or not. This, to me, indicates the Reapers have another motivation than what they say, and the game is weirdly misleading in regards to the lore.
anyhow, thanks for compiling this. great read, great resource (faving it for my fanfic reference - i like to co-opt what i don't quite understand or feel is inadequately explained). much appreciated.
@ sagequeen
Thanks for the comments.
However just so you know, this is an outdated blog. I moved my Indoctrination guide to it's own site became too big/popular to be on my personal unused site.
Head over there because this page is REALLY outdated, added a TON more stuff on the new site -
I keep meaning to add about that conversation with Garrus.
Interesting thing with that conversation, there us a DANGER sign right behind Shepard during it! Coincidence?
heading to new site. also, yes, totally awesome catch about the warning sign in that convo, too. got a pic of it, here:
also, i find it fascinating that the dream sequence is set up like the end chamber also in that if you try to escape it, you get put back in the center. off to read your other blog. :D
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